Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Must Have Tech Tools to Save Your Sanity

For all my colleagues to whom I have been preaching for too many years - here is a succinct list of techy resources that have really helped me help people over the years!



  • Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM
  • lifeworks@mail.com
  • Professional, Rehab, & Occupational Services, LLC
  • Landline 302.644.1827 | Mobile: 410.444.1989 | Skype Mary E. Sherwood

Monday, June 25, 2018

Recent Pinterest Pins on Interviewing

I have a career and social media board with TONS of information about managing your career, interviewing, leadership, social media tips and tricks, etc.

Today I thought I would highlight the pins I have shared on INTERVIEWING. Click on the infographic to the left or his link:

Interviewing Pins on Pinterest

You can follow me here: https://www.pinterest.com/maryesevinsky/

Click on the Career and Social Media Board and search for Interview (or any other Career or Social Media topic!).


Friday, June 22, 2018

NEW SERVICE: Progressive Goal Attainment Program

I recently finished specialized training to provide a structured disability counseling program - Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP) that may be helpful for more serious workers' compensation, auto, or liability cases and for those who are having difficulty moving past their disability. It is a 15-week program designed to result in Return To Work (or in more serious cases improved quality of life). It is based on science and has numbers to back it up.

Injured or disabled: If you are like my other clients you are probably feeling very overwhelmed and cannot see your way past your current disability. This structured program can help move you forward in small, manageable steps. Email me for a free consult marysevinsky@icloud.com.

Professionals: I imagine this service might be effectively used to settle more challenging cases. I would even go so far as to say it could be used in place of "traditional" vocational services.  Email me for a free consult marysevinsky@icloud.com.

Here is more info, if you are interested: 

Email me for a Password marysevinsky@icloud.com

From the PGAPWorks.com website: 

The treatment objectives of the PGAP® proceed from the view that return to work is the highest level of independence that can be offered to someone with a debilitating health or mental health condition. 

The PGAP® is currently the most researched risk-targeted intervention designed to reduce disability associated with a wide range of debilitating health and mental health conditions. 

The PGAP® is considered to be one of the most cost effective approaches for reducing disability and fostering return to work in individuals who suffer from a wide range of debilitating health and mental health conditions. 

The PGAP® has been shown to be effective in facilitating return to work in individuals who have sustained musculoskeletal injuries, individuals with chronic low back pain and fibromyalgia, as well as individual with debilitating mental health conditions such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. 

View  a brief, informational video here:

Email me for a Password marysevinsky@icloud.com

Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM, Occupational Consultant
Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP) Certified 
Landline 302.644.1827 | Mobile:  410.444.1989 | Skype Mary.E.Sherwood | Google Hangout Mary@Life-Works.Info

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Resumes Before and After

I just created this Dropbox Showcase of resumes I have rewritten and designed!  I have been working on a way to display these and this new feature seems perfect - let me know what you think!

                                                     Resumes Before & After

If you are like my other clients you worked hard on your resume, and there are no terrible red flags, but I could make you stand out from other candidates. Your approach is likely typical to most job seekers/resume writers – providing more of a bulleted laundry list of duties rather than communicating what you can do for your current or new employer, depending upon your goal for the resume.

Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM
Landline 302.644.1827 | Mobile:  410.444.1989 | Skype Mary.E.Sherwood | Google Hangout Mary@Life-Works.Info

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Maryland Joint Task Force for Injured Workers Annual Conference June 12, 2018

Maryland Joint Task Force for Injured Workers

Also sponsored by:
International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals
& Coppin State University,
The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Science & Technology Building
2500 W. North Avenue
June 12, 2018       8:30 am – 1:00pm

TAMING THE PAIN BEAST  Moving away from pain – not necessarily “curing it”
New Science has allowed more options for our clients than ever before. What are the benefits and drawbacks of employing the latest in treatment practices? What are the challenges?  Employer, industry standards, client, and individual proclivities may impact our ability to focus on the Injured Worker and ensure they are returned to functional, working life. How do we improve the way we educate workers’ comp professionals, the injured workers, employers, and adjusters?  What about controversial treatments such as medical marijuana, opioids, and Botox?  Are we keeping up? How can we learn from each other? Other industries? What makes sense?  We hope you will help answer some of these questions and more.

CCM l CRC l CDMS l Mandatory MD WCC CEUs  

Request Documentation for POST APPROVAL for other Certifications from Mary Sherwood Sevinsky.

Practical information that is essential for Claims Adjustors, Nurse Case Managers, Vocational Counselors, Attorneys, Doctors, Therapists and everyone working with injured workers in the State of Maryland. FAX TO: Attention Donna Keegan 410.554.6849 if necessary. Make Checks Payable to Maryland JTF. 

Submit questions for presenters now:  http://bit.ly/2pqCdvP



Title (circle one): Workers Comp Professionals $50  Adjusters Free  Students Free

Send Checks to: Donna Keegan 2127 Stillwater Court Eldersburg, MD 21784

Questions or Accommodations: MarySevinsky@icloud.com

DIRECTIONS: https://goo.gl/maps/Y3D1PbaBzqQ2

Check back for more details! 

Maryland JTF Annual Conference June 12, 2018

The Conference is being held in the Science and Technology Building:

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