Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Understanding Common Shoulder Injuries and Physical Therapy Treatment

FREE January Webinar 

Jan 13th  11:00 AM Understanding Shoulder PT, by Carlos Martinez, CAM Physical Therapy

Sponsored by:

Maryland Joint Task Force for Injured Workers and the

International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals - Chesapeake

To REGISTER Email Mary@Life-works.info


1.      Anatomy                    Shoulder Joint, Muscles of the shoulder

2.      Injuries:

SLAP Lesion – Labral Tear

Rotator Cuff Tears and Strains

Shoulder Sprains 

Acromioclavicular Joint and Sternoclavicular joint

Biceps tendinitis

Subacromial bursitis

Biceps long head tear

Adhesive Capsulitis

3.      Common Treatment:

                                    Electrical Stimulation, Moist Heat and Ice

                                    Ultrasound, Therapeutic Exercises

                                    Neuromuscular Reeducation, Therapeutic Activities

                                    Manual Treatment, Home Exercise Program

4.      Pre-Post Op Treatment:

                                    Rotator Cuff Repair, Labral Repair

                                    Subacromial Decompression, Manipulation

5.      Industrial Rehabilitation:

                                    Functional Capacity Evaluation, Work Hardening

6.      Return to Work Options

physical therapy for pain in bowie
Any amount of pain can be a nuisance to your life, especially when it lasts for a while. Everyone deals with pain differently, and there are many treatments available to address it. When presented with such an array of options, it may become difficult to determine what the best and safest path forward is for […]

About Us

Old fashion work ethic with a modern vision

We believe in the old fashion value of hard work. Our tireless team effort to achieve the highest possible level of patient satisfaction in all areas of service is to ensure your time with us is worth it.

CAM Physical Therapy and Wellness Services LLC


A community-based physical therapy and wellness practice committed to providing quality comprehensive rehabilitation services to all our patients. Since 2003 we have provided physical therapy treatment for orthopedic injuries, workplace injuries, and motor vehicle injuries to name a few.

Sponsored by:

Maryland Joint Task Force for Injured Workers and the

International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals - Chesapeake

To REGISTER Email Mary@Life-works.info


Feb 10th  at 11 am Innovations in Spine Surgery, Dr. Victor Du, MedStar

Mar 10th  at 11 amFoot and Ankle Reconstruction,  Dr. Jeng & Dr. Campbell, Mercy Hospital

I'd love to hear from you! Comment below....

Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM
Professional, Rehab, & Occupational Services, LLC
Landline 302.644.1827 | Mobile: 410.444.1989 | Skype Mary E. Sherwood

Let me know how you are doing or how I can help! 

Comment below or reach out. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Maryland JTF and IARP - Chesapeake New Year 2021 Webinar Series Save the Date

Our fall series was well received and well attended - thank you all! We look forward to seeing you at our New Year Webinar Series beginning in January 2021. We'll keep the same approach - Zoom meetings on the second Wednesday of each month. Please save these dates for now - more info to come!

Great news from the WCC- they are processing the Maryland CEU for those of you who were able to attend all three in the series. You should receive them in the next couple of weeks. We have arranged for the same for the next three - attend all Webinars in the series and get the Maryland CEU!

We'll send out more information, of course, but let us know if you have any questions or suggestions in the meantime!

Both organizations hope you have a safe and pleasant holiday season and will see you in the New Year!

 I'd love to hear from you! Comment below....

Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM
Professional, Rehab, & Occupational Services, LLC
Landline 302.644.1827 | Mobile: 410.444.1989 | Skype Mary E. Sherwood

Let me know how you are doing or how I can help! 

Comment below or reach out.  

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Managing Stress and Anxiety sponsored by Rehab at Work

NEW: Hangout in our chat lounge with video and audio 15 minutes before and after the program!

       FREE WEBINAR 10/14/20 11 am

TOPIC: Managing Stress and Anxiety


Presented by:

Maryland Joint Task Force for Injured Workers and the

International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals - Chesapeake

“Managing Stress and Anxiety” Identifying the physical, emotional and behavioral symptoms of stress, consequences of unmanaged stress, negative coping strategies to discontinue, introducing positive coping strategies for personal and work use.

We can experience stress and anxiety on a daily basis especially at work and home. 

Stressful situations can be unavoidable.

2020 has certainly led to an unprecedented amount of situations that could trigger stress and anxiety.

Unmanaged stress and anxiety can be a life wrecker.

Keys To Successful Stress and Anxiety Management:

       Recognizing symptoms

       Taking action over what we have control over

Mark Karolkowski, Occcupational Therapist at both University of Maryland Medical Center and Rehab at Work

 Darla J. Croce, Director of Business Development, REHAB AT WORK l Corporate

30 W. Gude Drive, Suite 230, Rockville, MD 20850, Office 301-838-2040 I Fax 301-838-2041


NEW: Hangout in our chat lounge with video and audio 15 minutes before and after the program!

 I'd love to hear from you! Comment below....

Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM
Professional, Rehab, & Occupational Services, LLC
Landline 302.644.1827 | Mobile: 410.444.1989 | Skype Mary E. Sherwood

Let me know how you are doing or how I can help! 

Comment below or reach out. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


We are very excited to welcome new sponsor, FlipYours Fitness &Wellness and look forward to hearing from her at our FREE WEBINAR 9/9/20 11 am TOPIC: WHOLE-ISTIC HEALTH.

We are all feeling the effects of COVID and having all our conferences and personal vacations and trips canceled. Many of us have been unable to see even loved ones! So, we thought we would include a 15 minute session before and after the program to give anyone who would like an opportunity to catch up, just as we normally would before and between sessions! Only via Zoom, of course!  Feel free to have your video and sound on when you enter, but PLEASE mute yourself when the program starts.

As I was working on the marketing material for the is chat opportunity I began to think of it as a lounge and that led me to look for appropriate videos/pictures to include here. I found this one especially amusing - enjoy and see you 9/9!

 NEW: Hangout in our chat lounge with video and audio 15 minutes before and after the program!


Also Sponsored by:

Maryland Joint Task Force for Injured Workers and the

International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals - Chesapeake


Cari is a nationally accredited certified personal trainer and nationally accredited certified health coach practicing a holistic approach to client behavior change and physical fitness. She holds a prestigious credential of certified sports nutritionist in the field of sports nutrition and supplementation by the International Society of Sports Nutrition. Also, she is a certified functional strength coach and certified corrective exercise specialist. She owns and operates a lifestyle coaching and personal training studio, Flip Yours Fitness & Wellness, and a wellness lifestyle retail store and mediation room, Change Space Meditation Room & Wellness Lifestyle Supply, both in Westminster, Maryland.

We are sick. And getting sicker. Prior to this coronavirus outbreak, the pandemic we faced was that of exponentially increasing incidences of metabolic syndrome. Amidst COVID-19 and after it, our metabolic scourge needs a cure. But wait, we already have the answers. So what are we missing?

This webinar will review an approach to general wellness based on eight interdependent pillars of wellness viewed through a lens of personal accountability and enacted in micro -steps with lesser-known and alternative interventions.

NEW: Hangout in our chat lounge with video and audio 15 minutes before and after the program!




Facebook @flipyours  Instagram @flipyoursfit | www.changespacecommunity.com  


After participating in this webinar, attendees should have an increased competency to:

1.    List the eight interdependent dimensions of wellness

2.  Identify the statistical scope of the foothold that metabolic syndrome has on the U.S. adult population

3.   Summarize the concept of habit, review the six stages of behavior change, and explain habit loops

4.   Distinguish the physiological interconnection among key negative general population habits as they work against overall wellness

5.  Restate vital, research-based health insights on nutrition, exercise, stress, and interpersonal connection

6.    Examine the continuum of personal health with an Eastern micro change-based mindset

7.    Implement small lifestyle interventions to enhance their own personal wellness progression

8.    Recommend these practices to patients and clients

cari@flipyourdog.com | 410.259.8176

www.flipyourdog.com | Facebook @flipyours  Instagram @flipyoursfit

www.changespacecommunity.com | Facebook & Instagram @changespacecommunity

EMAIL Mary@Life-works.Info to register. 

NEW: Hangout in our chat lounge with video and audio 15 minutes before and after the program!

 I'd love to hear from you! Comment below....

Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM
Professional, Rehab, & Occupational Services, LLC
Landline 302.644.1827 | Mobile: 410.444.1989 | Skype Mary E. Sherwood

Let me know how you are doing or how I can help! 

Comment below or reach out. 



Friday, August 21, 2020


NEW: Hangout in our chat lounge with video and audio 15 minutes before and after the program!

                          FREE WEBINAR 9/9/20 11 am



Also Sponsored by:

Maryland Joint Task Force for Injured Workers and the

International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals - Chesapeake

 We are very excited to welcome new sponsor, FlipYours Fitness &Wellness


Cari is a nationally accredited certified personal trainer and nationally accredited certified health coach practicing a holistic approach to client behavior change and physical fitness. She holds a prestigious credential of certified sports nutritionist in the field of sports nutrition and supplementation by the International Society of Sports Nutrition. Also, she is a certified functional strength coach and certified corrective exercise specialist. She owns and operates a lifestyle coaching and personal training studio, Flip Yours Fitness & Wellness, and a wellness lifestyle retail store and mediation room, Change Space Meditation Room & Wellness Lifestyle Supply, both in Westminster, Maryland.

We are sick. And getting sicker. Prior to this coronavirus outbreak, the pandemic we faced was that of exponentially increasing incidences of metabolic syndrome. Amidst COVID-19 and after it, our metabolic scourge needs a cure. But wait, we already have the answers. So what are we missing?

This webinar will review an approach to general wellness based on eight interdependent pillars of wellness viewed through a lens of personal accountability and enacted in micro -steps with lesser-known and alternative interventions.

NEW: Hangout in our chat lounge with video and audio 15 minutes before and after the program!




Facebook @flipyours  Instagram @flipyoursfit | www.changespacecommunity.com  


After participating in this webinar, attendees should have an increased competency to:

1.    List the eight interdependent dimensions of wellness

2.  Identify the statistical scope of the foothold that metabolic syndrome has on the U.S. adult population

3.   Summarize the concept of habit, review the six stages of behavior change, and explain habit loops

4.   Distinguish the physiological interconnection among key negative general population habits as they work against overall wellness

5.  Restate vital, research-based health insights on nutrition, exercise, stress, and interpersonal connection

6.    Examine the continuum of personal health with an Eastern micro change-based mindset

7.    Implement small lifestyle interventions to enhance their own personal wellness progression

8.    Recommend these practices to patients and clients

cari@flipyourdog.com | 410.259.8176

www.flipyourdog.com | Facebook @flipyours  Instagram @flipyoursfit

www.changespacecommunity.com | Facebook & Instagram @changespacecommunity

EMAIL Mary@Life-works.Info to register. 

NEW: Hangout in our chat lounge with video and audio 15 minutes before and after the program!

 I'd love to hear from you! Comment below....

Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM
Professional, Rehab, & Occupational Services, LLC
Landline 302.644.1827 | Mobile: 410.444.1989 | Skype Mary E. Sherwood

Let me know how you are doing or how I can help! 

Comment below or reach out. 



Wednesday, August 5, 2020

11 Ways to Make Working from Home Your New Normal

When you’re used to going into the office each day for your job, working from home can feel stressful, isolating, and nearly impossible. The good news is that though we can expect remote work to stay awhile (if not forever), there are ways to make things easier. Here’s how to stop coping and start thriving by making your work-at-home situation feel more normal.

Start a New Routine

You may no longer have a commute, but a routine can be a healthy way to transition to your new normal. Try these techniques for maintaining your sanity—and schedule—at home.

Create a Productive Workspace

Setting up your work area is an essential step toward productive and enjoyable work. Try these tips to establish a space that works for you.

Find Ways to Reach Out

Now that you’re working solo at home, water cooler chat is a thing of the past. But that doesn’t mean you can’t connect with others outside the office.

There are both significant benefits and extreme challenges involved when you’re adapting to work at home. Fortunately, there’s no shortage of resources to help you navigate the difficulties—and embrace the positive elements. Get started with this list, and you’ll feel better—and become more productive—working from home in no time.

Photo via Rawpixel

 I'd love to hear from you! Comment below....

Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM
Professional, Rehab, & Occupational Services, LLC
Landline 302.644.1827 | Mobile: 410.444.1989 | Skype Mary E. Sherwood

Let me know how you are doing or how I can help! 

Comment below or reach out. 


Tuesday, July 14, 2020


UPDATE: Attend all 3 in the series and receive the
 Maryland WCC CEU for 2020


August 12th at 11 am
Dr. Christopher Forthman: “Elbow Injury and Innovations” 

Explore the relationship between elbow arthritis and occupational, discuss the benefits and limitations of osteo-capsular arthroplasty.  Appreciate the techniques of joint resurfacing including TEA, learn about the potential uses for new technologies

September 9th at 11 am
Cari Pierce: “Whole-istic Health”
Review a personal-accountability, whole-person mindset of health based on several foundational pillars of total wellness. Certified Personal Trainer / Certified Health Coach / Certified Sports Nutritionist / Certified Functional Strength Coach providing Holistic Lifestyle Coaching & Personal Training at Flip Yours Fitness & Wellness 

October 14th at 11 am 
Mark Karolkowski:  “Managing Stress and Anxiety”   Identifying the physical, emotional and behavioral symptoms of stress, consequences of unmanaged stress, negative coping strategies to discontinue, introducing positive coping strategies for personal and work use


Maryland Joint Task Force
for Injured workers

Email Mary Sherwood Sevinsky
To register


1 CEU each webinar



Post-Approval Packets upon request



Webinar Series offered by Maryland Joint Task Force for IW and IARP – Chesapeake in partnership with our valued exhibitors. We plan to offer approximately one webinar a month until next year’s June 16, 2021 Annual Conference at Horseshoe Casino in Baltimore. We will publish Save the Dates for three at a time.

This series’ exhibitors include:


 I'd love to hear from you! Comment below....

Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM
Professional, Rehab, & Occupational Services, LLC
Landline 302.644.1827 | Mobile: 410.444.1989 | Skype Mary E. Sherwood

Let me know how you are doing or how I can help! 

Comment below or reach out. 


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