Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Proud Sponsor of IARP Chesapeake OC Event 2014

Professional, Rehab, & Occupational Services, LLC

Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM
Occupational Consultant Phone 302.644.1827

Mobile:  410.444.1989                                                     

Let’s Connect:

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Suggested Government Actions in Relation to People with Disabilities

From Weekly Disability News Updates
2014-08-20 13:50:40-04
Disabled World Logo
The United States of America has some very real issues to deal with where People with Disabilities are concerned. These issues include more than this one article can possibly approach. The issues approached in this article include Poverty, Housing, Transportation and Education.

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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Job Search for the Rest of Us!: Interviewing Soft Skills: The very basics of interviewing

Many experts talk about how to answer interview questions and, a few, how to dress or write a thank you note.  But, if you haven't interviewed for a while (or ever), you may want to make sure you have the very basics of interviewing - Interview Soft Skills. Read More:

Job Search for the Rest of Us!: Interviewing Soft Skills: The very basics of inter...

Interviewing Soft Skills: The very basics of interviewing

I hope you are preparing for an upcoming interview and find this information helpful.  If you need help, just let me know!  Email me. Good Luck!

Here is a list of resources for possible interview questions and other resources:

Articles in my blog


Articles on the Web

Mary Sherwood Sevinsky

Mary is a CAREER AND OCCUPATIONAL CONSULTANT who is masters-prepared and certified. 
She is a business owner with nearly 20 years of experience in Corporate Management, Career Assessment & Counseling and in writing Career Articles and Educational Materials.

She has worked as a CORPORATE MANAGER experienced in hiring, firing and managing a staff of professionals with a multimillion dollar budget. She enjoys WRITING AND EDITING and has spent many years developing Marketing Materials and Presentations, Writing Proposals and Plans, and Conducting Staff Development Sessions in addition to working as a vocational consultant. Learn more about Mary and her services:

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