Monday, January 28, 2013

Job Search for the Rest of Us!: INTERVIEW SERIES IV


It is imperative that you are always honest in an interview setting. Not only can even small fibs trip you up during the interview or in subsequent interviews, but it may be grounds for termination after hire. If your past is not perfect you may be tempted to shade the truth to enhance your chances of getting a job. This never works.
Make sure that your career and potential employer choices are realistic considering any blemishes in your background. If your choices are realistic, but blemishes in your background might prove challenging then develop answers to address those areas in a way that seems positive. Honesty in general is important to many employers, regardless of the industry or your circumstances.
  1.  Have you ever lied? This very open ended question Read More:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Job Search for the Rest of Us!: SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO GET YOUR NEXT JOB
If there was only one tip I would give an interviewee hoping to get an offer for a JOB it would be:


Many people today do not know how to listen.  Instead, we are caught up in appearances, what WE want to say, thinking about what is coming NEXT. So how do you listen?  REALLY LISTEN?
  1. Be quiet and allow time after the question before you answer
  2. Concentrate on what the interviewer is asking you
  3. Think about what the interviewer is really asking you (subtext)
  4. Think again about how you want to answer
  5. Don't be afraid to ask for clarification
  6. Practice active listening at home, on the job, and with friends
  7. Learn more about Active Listening from one of my favorite Sources MindTools or a new site Study Guides and Strategies
  8. What tips or tricks do you have for active listening? 
Read more:Job Search for the Rest of Us!: SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO GET YOUR NEXT JOB

Monday, January 21, 2013

Job Search for the Rest of Us!: INTERVIEW SERIES PART III



So many candidates forget to pay attention to their hallway behavior, or the behavior pre- and post-interview from the parking lot in and back out onto the street. You should be aware of not only your presentation and behavior, but what you communicate as well.
Employers may feel strongly about issues that are not necessarily legal or even relevant to ask in an interview. You may be caught off guard if you don’t think in advance about how to handle this type of query. Arrive with an agenda (the skills and abilities that match what the employer is looking for) and communicate that agenda at every possible opportunity.
Read more: Job Search for the Rest of Us!: INTERVIEW SERIES PART III

Friday, January 18, 2013

Job Search for the Rest of Us!: #FF #FRIDAY #FOLLOW UP

The Works Top #Job stories via @FlynnMJ1 @Webcasteye@StevenWal @careerealism The Works 
#JobSearch for the Rest of Us #Thursday Thought: Prepare for an#interview the day before - Use these #Tips!… 

 CV REJECTED BECAUSE OF FONTS? Your choice of font (or typeface) on a CV or Resume is as important as how you choose… 

10 Professional Resolutions For.... Read more: Job Search for the Rest of Us!: #FF #FRIDAY #FOLLOW UP

Thursday, January 17, 2013



Good planning and preparation can take some of the angst out of interviewing.  Take your time in the days, or at the very least day, before an interview to:
  1. Drive by the location, even if you are familiar with the area.  Construction or other events often crop up without notice.
  2. Gather all your materials  resumes, certifications, documentation of your eligibility to work in the US, tablet 
Read More:

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Job Search for the Rest of Us!: THINK YOU CAN.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” 
― Henry Ford

For Today's Wednesday Wisdom I thought I would share my two favorite quotes.... What do you need to think YOU can?  Comment below or email me! Read more career related articles: Job Search for the Rest of Us!: THINK YOU CAN.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Job Search for the Rest of Us!: DON'T BE YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY

Don't be your own worst enemy.  You know you can be!  We all do it from time to time, but are you making a habit of convincing yourself that you are not worthy, can't do it, are undesirable  a loser or whatever other negative self-talk you have with yourself?  If you are out of work the chances are you ARE your are your own worst enemy.
If you hope to find work, you need to be positive about yourself and your abilities to find work! Isolation and lack of feedback add fuel to the fire.  So, some easy things you can do to begin to overcome the impact and habit of negative self-talk are to:

READ MORE: Job Search for the Rest of Us!: DON'T BE YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY

Monday, January 14, 2013

Job Search for the Rest of Us!: Interview Series Part II

Behavior based interview questions are designed to determine how you have or will react under pressure, your thought process, and how quickly you can come to a solution. It is difficult to prepare for this type of interview. Think about some of the more challenging situations that you have faced and how successfully you handled these. Be prepared with and practice sharing as many examples of your successes as possible.
Read More: Job Search for the Rest of Us!: Interview Series Part II.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Job Search for the Rest of Us!: FRIDAY FOLLOW UP January 11, 2013

Here are some great career related articles I shared this month....

Ed Han originally shared this post:
Who's got 2 thumbs and is hosting  #HFchat  today at noon NY time?

That's right: this guy!
#LinkedIn: Are You Connected? Learn How This Week #HFChat with Ed Han - Hire Friday »
Ed Han has been a part of the HireFriday movement since we launched in February 2010, and has been a steadfast supporter ever since. He's developed outstanding skills using LinkedIn, and how to levera...

Hannah Morgan originally shared this post:

Create your own webpage with curated content! Visually summaries of great information to share easily across your network!
I am going to be writing a future post with some thoughts on how an ordinary job seeker could use curating tools, but, today I wanted to show you what they look like. There are tons of options out the...

The Undercover Recruiter originally shared this post:
Why Your LinkedIn Company Page is STILL More Important than Your Website by @lisamarijones

THURSDAY THOUGHT Questions about interviewing are the hands down, #1 most asked career related questions I get. For the most part what the job seeker is asking is how do I turn an interview into ...

Read more: Job Search for the Rest of Us!: FRIDAY FOLLOW UP January 11, 2013

Monday, January 7, 2013

Job Search for the Rest of Us: Interview Series Part I

Photo from:

The first in a four part series on interviewing

First the bad news: There is no guarantee that your (hopefully) future employer is a good interviewer. The good news: He or she may still be a good employer. 
Sometimes employers plan to ask strange interview questions to get a feel for how you will solve problems and/or how poised you can be under pressure. In this situation what you answer may not matter as much as how you think it through or communicate.

Read more: Job Search for the Rest of Us!: Interview Series Part I

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


For each of the twelve days of Christmas, I will share a principle or theme for you to focus on.
 For the 9th day of Christmas - Creativity

Photo From:

“It’s not about breaking the rules. It is about abandoning the concept of rules altogether” - Paul Lemberg

Read More: Job Search for the Rest of Us!: RUN IT UP THE FLAG POLE DAY

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