Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Join Us at this year's MWCEA Happy Hour Sponsored by "CARPPS"

Professional, Rehab, & Occupational Services

is sponsoring the largest happy hour at the conference again this year!  We contributed to the IARP provided gifts for the raffles as well - we know you will enjoy every minute and hope you win something awesome.The best Happy Hour at the OC MWCEA Conference 9/18/2017 at OC Brewing Co.56th St. Coastal Highway 3:30 to 6:00 pm.  Why not join us?

I look forward to seeing you there! 

If you are not already connected with me on LinkedIn, please send me an invite! https://www.linkedin.com/in/marysevinsky , company page follow our Maryland Workers Comp Page or our Vocational Rehab Page.

Resources for Injured Workers and Professionals who work with them can be found on The Injured Workers Help Desk.

Have fun and be safe - let me know if there is anything we can do to help at any time!

Mary Sherwood Sevinsky, MS, CDMS, CCM
Vocational Consultant and CEIWC Approved Vendor
MSCRP # N1708  Maryland Provider # 0112

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Facebook Live Video of the Maryland Joint Task Force 6/6/2017

Great conference yesterday - visit my facebook http://buff.ly/2r7jrIO for more. Maryland JTF Conference Videos http://buff.ly/2r7a9wB




Many Thanks to Coppin State

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Joint Task Force Conference 6/6/2017

I am looking forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming Conference! We are very excited about this year's program, but know our professionals are always looking for opportunities for ethics credits.  To help, I found this online resource with pre-approved online ethics courses for as little as $8.00. See you at the Conference!

Maryland Joint Task Force for Injured Workers
Also sponsored by:
International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals - Chesapeake  
& Coppin State University,  College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
June 6, 2017      8:30 am – 1:00pm
At the Talon Center, Coppin State University
2500 W North Ave, Baltimore, MD 21216

Medical Breakthroughs in Treatment and Technology have allowed more options to medical patients and options for our clients than ever before.  What are the benefits and drawbacks of parties employing the latest in treatment practices?  What are the challenges?  How do we improve the way we educate ourselves, the injured workers, employers, and adjusters? What about controversial treatments such as medical marijuana, opioids, and botox?  Employer, industry standards, client, and individual proclivities may impact our ability to focus on the Injured Worker and ensure they are returned to functional, working life.  Are we keeping up? How can we learn from each other? Other industries?  What makes sense?  We hope you will help answer some of these questions and more. PARKING LOTS G & H (Lot F - overflow).
CCM l CRC l CDMS l Mandatory MD WCC CEUs Confirmed. Request Documentation for POST APPROVAL for other Certifications from Mary Sherwood Sevinsky.

Practical information that is essential for Claims Adjustors, Nurse Case Managers, Vocational Counselors, Attorneys, Doctors, Therapists and everyone working with injured workers in the State of Maryland. FAX TO: Attention Donna Keegan 410.554.6849 if necessary. Make Checks Payable to Maryland JTF.



Title (circle one):   Workers Comp Professionals $50        Adjusters Free                                                  Students Free

Send Checks to: Donna Keegan  \2127 Stillwater Court Eldersburg, MD 21784

Make Checks payable to: Maryland JTF

Questions or Accommodations: MarySevinsky@icloud.com


7:30 AM – 8:30 AM Registration, Breakfast and Visit with Exhibitors
Attendees will be asked to visit with each exhibitor to determine the scope of their service or practice and to ask them questions specific to their work or the attendee’s case needs.

8:30 – 9:00 AM         Welcome with an overview of the Conference theme and rationale for the importance of keeping abreast of constant changes in treatments, technology, acceptable practices. Special message from nationally recognized orthopedic surgeon, Dr. David Hanscom.

9:00 – 9:30 AM         Legislative Update William Levasseur Esq Recent WCC Legislation and Rules Mr.  Levasseur will provide a brief update on changes in the legislation about Maryland Workers’ Compensation and introduce our main speakers.

Community Service Presentations:   Ancillary programs that may augment work with Maryland injured workers                                                                                                                                
Coppin State University – School of Professional Studies, Dr. Spry Welcome Message
Kid’s Chance                                                            Patricia Highcove, MS, CRC, CVE, CCM

We Provide College Scholarships to the Children of Maryland's Seriously Injured Workers

Every year, thousands of workers are disabled by on-the-job injuries in Maryland.On average, about 50 workers in Maryland lose their lives every year. It is the families and the children who are many times forgotten when these losses occur. Kids’ Chance of Maryland, Inc. provides an opportunity for these children to pursue their education, reach their goals, and fulfill their dreams for the future.

Friends of Workforce Technology Ctr                        Thomas D. Scheurich, M.S., M.G.A.
Friends was founded 31 years ago on Jan. 24, 1985. The Friends organization supports the mission of the WTC. Members of the Friends organization volunteer their time and talents to make life for students here at WTC a little better. We provide help, usually financial, for those extra needs that WTC cannot pay for. Funds raised go to augment Workforce Technology Center, in part, are used to:
Emergency assistance for WTC students’ special needs (BGE, Auto Repairs)
Recreational activities: community trips, leisure activities, student dances.
       New/replacement equipment: Big Screen TV, Exercise equipment.

9:30 AM – 10:00 AM           Break: Visit with Exhibitors and Refreshments

10:00 – 10:45 AM                Roy J. Film, PT, OCS, CEAS, FAAOMPT – Manual Physical Therapy

10:45 – 11:15 PM                Visit with Exhibitors and Refreshments

11:15 – 11:45 PM               A day in the life of Dr. Reichmeister, MD WCC Medical Director

11:45 – 12:00 PM                Allison Broadwater, St. Jude –  Prodigy Spinal Column Stimulator

12:00 – 12:45                        Dr. Jason Brokaw – Medical Marijuana, Botox, and Opioids

12:45  - 1:00                          Closing remarks                                                             SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Hard and soft skills

Even my most seasoned executives often overlook the importance of including soft skills in their resumes, biographies, and profiles. This is your opportunity to share a bit of your personality and make your resume come alive! If you are looking for work, including soft skills will make you stand out from other candidates.  If you are looking to grow your network, land more clients or do more business, soft skills are what make the difference between you and a competitor.  Here is a straightforward graphic that spells out the difference between soft and hard skills. Both are equally important!

Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM
Certified Disability Management Specialist
Landline: 302.644.1827 | Mobile:  410.444.1989 | Fax: 302.258.0856                                                
Let’s Connect: LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Blog | Schedule Time
FYI:  We have Medical and Vocational Case Managers all over the US – if you have a need, contact us first!

If you haven’t already, please check out our niche products providing added value to employers and powerful tools for settlement!:  WorkPlace Solutions

I handle Delmarva Peninsula and the area immediately around the Chesapeake Bay, I work well with both defense and plaintiff attorneys and can handle any file in Baltimore or DC if requested – I never bill more than 2 hours travel.

Pat Highcove and Dane Crook are both based in Maryland and each have over 20 years of experience and excellent reputations with both defense and plaintiff attorneys.  Primarily they handle Baltimore and DC, but can do parts of Western MD, Southern PA, Northern VA, and Western NJ if needed.  Pat is a Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist, Dane is a Certified Disability Management Specialist.

HIPAA NOTE:  This email conforms to the rules and regulations of the HEALTH INSURANCE PORTABILITY ACCOUNTABILITY ACT (“HIPAA”).  All client/patient information including name, address, diagnosis code or any personal identifiers must remain confidential, and may only be viewed and utilized by those legally authorized.
This email and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged information.  If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return email, delete this email and destroy any copies.  Any dissemination or use of this information by a person other than the intended recipient is unauthorized and may be illegal.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Workplace Solutions that work for everyone


As an employer or supporting professional, you naturally want to do all you can to resolve your workplace issues, claims or productivity concerns in a timely, cost-effective fashion. The good news is we are here to help!
We offer a range of services to help you address concerns in the workplace, not currently addressed by vocational rehab, EAP, or disability programs. Our experienced consultants can provide you or your workers with the information necessary to put your concerns to rest.
JOB READINESS TRAINING is an inexpensive and interactive job readiness guide along with a 4-week job readiness training program. Through this program, an injured worker who cannot return to work learns how to search for and apply to jobs, build a resume and cover letter, and learn interviewing skills to give them the knowledge they need to return to work after an injury or disability.
LABOR MARKET SNAPSHOT can be used to aid in settlement and may allow you to close your files without formal vocational involvement. This service can be used in conjunction with Job Readiness training to document the employer’s interest in returning the worker to the workforce.
TRANSITIONAL EMPLOYMENT provides assistance in planning for a return to work after an injury or disability (or other absence).  This customized program will achieve a safe and successful return to work.
CRITICAL INCIDENT STRESS DEBRIEFING: It seems that “Critical Incidents” are becoming more and more common, even in industries where there isn’t much-perceived risk involved. Naturally, employers may not be trained to help themselves or their employees when a catastrophic event happens at work or to a well-regarded employee.
SYSTEMATIC DESENSITIZATION can be requested when we are not the first called at the time of trauma, and it may be days, weeks, or months later when employers recognize that an employee is ailing. Our staff can intercede briefly to identify and remove obstacles that are interfering with productivity.
ERGONOMIC ASSESSMENTS keep workers where they should be - at work and being productive! Can also be useful tools in new hiring and with workers returning to the workplace following injury/illness.
ADA ASSESSMENTS help ensure the employer is doing everything possible to maintain compliance.
Tapping into these resources will further demonstrate the employer’s commitment and foresight of addressing concerns proactively and mitigating or avoiding claims. We work cooperatively with other companies, and work with the adjuster, assigned nurse case manager or vocational counselor to make sure they have the tools and resources needed to resolve their cases quickly. PROS is always available to assist you in any way possible.

Need help on a claim covered by a national carrier? No problem! We can tap into our network of trained consultants and are affiliated with national and regional vocational service providers. Still not sure if we can help? - just email or call to talk about it. Or, if you prefer, let's meet in person.

116 FRONT ST, UNIT 737, LEWES, DE 19958

PHONE 410.444.1989
FAX 302.258.0856

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Maryland Joint Task Force for Injured Workers Annual Conference

Maryland Joint Task Force for Injured Workers
Also sponsored by:
International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals     
& Coppin State University
The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

June 6, 2017
8:30 am – 12:30 pm

Medical Breakthroughs in Treatment and Technology have allowed more options to medical patients and options for our clients than ever before.  What are the benefits and drawbacks of parties employing the latest in treatment practices?  What are the challenges?  How do we improve the way we educate ourselves, the injured workers, employers, and adjusters? What about controversial treatments such as medical marijuana, opioids, and botox?  Employer, industry standards, client, and individual proclivities may impact our ability to focus on the Injured Worker and ensure they are returned to functional, working life.  Are we keeping up? How can we learn from each other? Other industries?  What makes sense?  We hope you will help answer some of these questions and more. PARKING LOTS G & H (Lot F - overflow).

CCM l CRC l CDMS l Mandatory MD WCC CEUs Confirmed. Request Documentation for POST APPROVAL for other Certifications from Mary Sherwood Sevinsky.


Practical information that is essential for Claims Adjustors, Nurse Case Managers, Vocational Counselors, Attorneys, Doctors, Therapists and everyone working with injured workers in the State of Maryland. FAX TO: Attention Donna Keegan 410.554.6849 if necessary.




Title (circle one): 

Workers Comp Professionals $50, Adjusters Free, Students Free

Send Checks to: Donna Keegan   2127 Stillwater Court Eldersburg, MD 21784

Questions or Accommodations: MarySevinsky@icloud.com

7:30 AM – 8:30 AM Registration, Breakfast and Visit with Exhibitors

Attendees will be asked to visit with each exhibitor to determine the scope of their service or practice and to ask them questions specific to their work or the attendee’s case needs.

8:30 – 9:00 AM         Welcome with an overview of the Conference theme and rationale for the importance of keeping abreast of constant changes in treatments, technology, acceptable practices. Special message from nationally recognized orthopedic surgeon, Dr. David Hanscom.

9:00 – 9:30 AM         Legislative Update William Levasseur Esq Recent WCC Legislation and Rules Mr.  Levasseur will provide a brief update on changes in the legislation about Maryland Workers’ Compensation and introduce our main speakers.

Community Service Presentations:   Ancillary programs that may augment work with Maryland injured workers                                        
Coppin State University – School of Professional Studies, Dr. Spry Welcome Message
Kid’s Chance               Patricia Highcove, MS, CRC, CVE, CCM

We Provide College Scholarships to the Children of Maryland's Seriously Injured Workers

Every year, thousands of workers are disabled by on-the-job injuries in Maryland.On average, about 50 workers in Maryland lose their lives every year. It is the families and the children who are many times forgotten when these losses occur. Kids’ Chance of Maryland, Inc. provides an opportunity for these children to pursue their education, reach their goals, and fulfill their dreams for the future.

Friends of Workforce Technology Ctr        Thomas D. Scheurich, M.S., M.G.A.
Friends was founded 31 years ago on Jan. 24, 1985. The Friends organization supports the mission of the WTC. Members of the Friends organization volunteer their time and talents to make life for students here at WTC a little better. We provide help, usually financial, for those extra needs that WTC cannot pay for. Funds raised go to augment Workforce Technology Center, in part, are used to:

- Emergency assistance for WTC students’ special needs (BGE, Auto Repairs)
- Recreational activities: community trips, leisure activities, student dances.
- New/replacement equipment: Big Screen TV, Exercise equipment.

9:30 AM – 10:00 AM     Break: Visit with Exhibitors and Refreshments

10:00 – 10:45 AM         Roy J. Film, PT, OCS, CEAS, FAAOMPT – Manual Physical Therapy

10:45 – 11:15 PM         Visit with Exhibitors and Refreshments

11:15 – 11:45 PM         A day in the life of Dr. Reichmeister, MD WCC Medical Director

11:45 – 12:00 PM         Allison Broadwater, St. Jude –  Prodigy Spinal Column Stimulator

12:00 – 12:45               Dr. Jason Brokaw – Medical Marijuana, Botox, and Opioids

12:45  - 1:00                 Closing remarks                                                            


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