Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hello? Is it me you're looking for?

Yes, this is sales.  Sell yourself.   Get hired. 

Looking for work when you don't have a job can be incredibly lonely and unrewarding.  Many employers don't send acknowledgement notices via mail, email, fax or phone like they did in the good ole days.

Applicants often spend seemingly fruitless hours sitting at home, undressed (unwashed? unshaven?) in front of computers scanning myriad job announcements and completing tedious online applications.  For variety, a resume might be emailed to be considered for a job opening.

Most job seekers are left to wonder if they are even being considered for any of the jobs applied to. Many employers wonder where are the good applicants are.

So where's the disconnect?    Read more

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Injured Worker Help Desk: How to Follow Up On a Job Application: How to Follow Up On a Job Application - http://pulse.me/s/5cHhu. Posted by Life-Works at 3:56 PM · Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook .

Mary is a Masters-prepared Career Counselor with over 18 years experience in career transition, personal branding, career assessment and counseling. Specializing in non-traditional specialized careers and career-transitioning, she has the ability to synthesize and focus your unique skills and abilities to obtain interviews for the positions you want with the employers you want to notice you. Follow her on Twitter at @MarySevinsky

Photo via NowPublic.com
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