Saturday, July 23, 2016

Suggested job search schedule

Sunday:  Review and apply to jobs online and/or in classifieds (If your local paper comes out on a different day, start this schedule from that day and change the below days accordingly…)
Monday:  Call those ads that request a call and obtain directions/additional information for ads asking to apply in person.  Start with the jobs that you are most interested in and spend extra time to tailor your résumé and/or cover letter. 
Tuesday: Apply in person, return calls of employers who called, attend any job development / training meetings, review job seeking skills material online/participate in groups
Wednesday:  Cold calls and practice interviewing, other job search skills training.  Think about the openings you have identified so far and plan to follow up with them at an appropriate interval.
Thursday:  follow up calls with any outstanding employers, job service, job search from previous week
Friday:  Networking – call friends and identify employers who are hiring.  Call and follow up with Staffing agencies registered with. 
Don’t forget to check major employer/government job boards and checking jobs through the job service and staffing agencies AT LEAST weekly.

Mary Sherwood Sevinsky, MS, CDMS, CCM

Cell: 410.444.1989             Fax:  302.644.1827 

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