Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Job search tip of the day: Stretch every hour

Sitting at the computer applying for jobs can put a strain on your body and mind.  This does nothing to help with an injury or disability.  Do yourself and your job search some good by taking a break every hour or so. Set a reminder in your calendar or use a kitchen timer if you need to.

Here are a few simple things you can do:

  1. Eyes - focus on something far away.
  2. Hands and wrists - interlace your fingers and turn inside out, pushing away from yourself. Let your arms hang down and shake your hands loosely.
  3. Neck - tilt your head forward, back and to each side several times.
  4. Back - stretch your hands above your head and clasp them, then lean to each side several times. Put your hands on your hips and bend forward and backward several times.
  5. Legs - lift each knee to your chest and hold several seconds; do this a few times. Lunge forward several times on each leg.
  6. Mind - think about a pleasant memory, vacation or a loved one.  Go outside and walk around the block!
Now you should be ready for a more productive hour of job search!

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