Yesterday, one day past post election day 2012, I heard the story of this man:
Three weeks ago a man, paralyzed since the age of seventeen, now midlife, was hospitalized three weeks ago for pancreatitis. He explained the normal treatment for this is to not eat for several days and it will resolve. While in the hospital, not eating and hoping for his pancreatitis to pass, he was found to have an abdominal obstruction. He was rushed to emergency surgery.
He reports that he was to be released on Election Day, November 6, 2012 - but, not until 8 pm when the polls close. He asked to be discharged early so that he could vote and the hospital was able to accommodate him.
He was transported to his polling place via ambulance where he was wheeled in on a stretcher to vote.
Why did he go to so much trouble to vote? Because it was important to him and he made up his mind to do it.
What is important to you today? What will you make up your mind to do? Make it good!.
Blizzcon will return, but not until 2026
After taking two years off, Blizzard will bring back Blizzcon in 2026. The
publisher's fan convention will take place on September 12 and 13 next year
28 minutes ago
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