Tuesday, October 9, 2012

What to expect when you have an ENG (Electronystagmogram)

Photo by http://morguefile.com/creative/LilJoel

If you need to have a Electronystagmogram (ENG) then you will likely be referred to a doctor trained specifically to conduct the test.  You may be asked for a medical history and whether or not you have had X-Rays or MRIs.

There are two parts to the test:  mild "shock" to various areas where the impact to the nerve can be measured and a needle that will be used to stimulate the nerve in specific areas. It may sound scary, but in the end it is not so much. 


  • The doctor will measure and mark skin along certain paths of nerves to be evaluated 
  • He or she will clean your skin with cotton and alcohol
  • Electrodes will be placed in specific areas on your skin
  • Once the doctor applies the "shock" it may make your "digits" jump
  • It does not hurt - it is more of a buzzing sensation that you will feel

  • During the second part the doctor will use a very slender needle
  • He or she will insert it through your skin and into the nerve in order to measure reaction
  • Since the needle is so slender you will barely feel most of the insertions
  • If you do feel anything from the insertions you will likely not consider it painful
  • The doctor will again follow the path of your nerves and take measurements through the electrodes

You will not be able to get the results at this appointment and the report should be ready in 1 -2 weeks.

What concerns do you have about your upcoming ENG?

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